04 75 21 13 13 | 06 30 64 64 59 hoteldudauphine@orange.fr

location & contact info

Location & contact info

Hotel du Dauphiné location chatillon-en-diois

Restaurant Le Bistroquet
Hotel du Dauphiné

6 Place Dévoluy
26410 Châtillon-en-Diois
04 75 21 13 13
06 30 64 64 59

Opening hours :

Low season : every day from noon to 2pm and from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Wednesday evenings on reservation (closed during the day). Closed on tuesday and sunday evenings.

High season : Open every day (from the 11th of may to the 31st of august)

Find us !


Pour more informations you can visit : http://www.mairie-chatillonendiois.fr/spip.php?article11